jueves, 21 de marzo de 2019

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English IV
Names: Carlos Amín Cólex Simán, Elisa Ivanna Velasco Rodríguez, Jorge Eduardo Bedran García, Ana Lissethe Hernandez Arias.
Topic: England
Miss: Ana Carolina López Juárez



The people of England, like their language, are a mixed group that has been regularly infused with new blood, from the Romans almost 2000 years ago taking control of the old British in the region, to the later influences of the Angles, Saxons and others of Europe, after which he created the original idea of ​​the English, the Vikings and then
the Normans, about a thousand years ago. Since then, there have been hugenotes, Chinese, Jews fleeing pogroms, people from former British colonies in the Caribbean in the fifties and sixties, Indians expelled from newly independent African colonies, workers from new EU member states as Poland, not to mention people from other nations of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. The comple
te list is very long, but England has always been accustomed to the outsiders who make it their home, even before England existed.

As in any country, you will see people who are not friendly to foreigners, but England is considered one of the most tolerant countries in Europe, and racism is low compared to other nations. Almost everyone will treat you well if you are educated and will make an effort to fit. Smile, be polite, do not be overwhelming if you can avoid it.

The English are used to foreign tourists and you can expect them to be friendly and polite. One thing to keep in mind is that most English people, in their majority, are reserved when they do not know you but with the passage of time, this kind of thing usually disappears when people get to know you. Most young people are different from adults.

England is predominantly a rich country with little visible poverty. Irregular areas contain rough people in England as in any country: robberies, car theft and other street crimes are common in some districts of many cities and towns, but England is generally a safe country.

In tourist destinations, you will meet a mostly friendly people who will take the time to answer a question from a stranger, and who can speak English in a colorful or accented way, but will be willing to standardize and simplify your speech if you have difficulties. Some would say there is a north-south divide, with people in the North more friendly and accessible (Liverpool, for example, was voted the fourth friendliest city in the world by the travel magazine Rough Guide in 2014), while the South (mostly London only) is a more closed culture with people less willing to talk, but do not be offended, remember that most Londoners you see on the street usually rush to get somewhere (for example, work ) and they just do not have the time to talk.

In dinners, there are usually cards indicating each diner's place. If there is not, the diner asks if there is any order or preference. The diner waits for the host to sit down first.
In many houses, depending on each culture, the blessing of the table is usually done (the prayer of food) even if the host does not share that same "process" or "ritual", he must show respect.
The English are capable of combining tradition and avant-garde at the same time, such as fashion week.

English economists divide the world between emerging and stagnating economies. Financiers differentiate their bets between growing sectors and mature markets with little future prospects.
In manners or characteristics by English citizens, are anticipated or very punctual to their commitments, trying to arrive at least 5 minutes before. Also, in their dress, most of the population tries to dress according to the occasion, mainly and as a main characteristic they dress formally when they go to their work.

The People In England Are Very Educated

British people can’t resist the urge to apologize, for example, if someone accidentally bumps into you, it would be common for you to apologize and say “I’m sorry” as though you are sorry for being in their way.  
If you have reserved a seat on a train but somebody is sat in it, it would be common to say “I’m so sorry but you appear to be sat in my seat”.  
If somebody spills your coffee, again it’s quite normal for the victim to apologize.  Of course, the person to blame would apologize as well, but apologizing as the victim is a very English thing to do.

They Are Very Ordered

In the UK, wherever there is a mass of people you will find an orderly row. British etiquette dictates that when you arrive, you join the back of the queue so that each person receives the service in the order that they arrived. We ‘wait our turn’ in row. 
The notion of an orderly queue relies on everyone in the queue agreeing that this is fair. It is seen as unfair if someone doesn’t join the queue and pushes in.

Please And Thank You

Many people from outside the UK find it strange that they say please and thank you every time. It is considered polite. What may surprise you is when they are in a shop, restaurant or anywhere they are receiving customer service, they say thank you to the person serving.
For example; when they give you change, the bill, or come to give you your food and drinks. In Britain, every social transaction is eased by reiteration of these phrases from both parties.

The Chivalry

In modern day British etiquette, chivalry is still an admired trait however men must be careful that their chivalrous behavior isn’t patronizing to modern independent women. 
For example, taking of one’s coat and placing it in a puddle so a lady may step on it and not get her feet wet (a classic feature in Jane Austen novels) may not receive the gratitude it would have had in 1800.

The Tea 

In the UK, tea is an integral part of everyday life. It is part of many British people’s daily routine and serves many social functions. Tea has a long history in Britain.
In modern day Britain, there is nothing better than ‘putting our feet up’ and enjoying a ‘cuppa of tea‘.
You will be offered a cup of tea anywhere you go in the UK and as you travel around, you will spot many tea shops and cafes.

English IV Names: Carlos Amín Cólex Simán, Elisa Ivanna Velasco Rodríguez, Jorge Eduardo Bedran García, Ana Lissethe Hernandez Arias. ...